Cloud Computing Providers

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Cloud Computing Providers

With increased awareness of the benefits of Cloud migration, every business is opting to move to the Cloud for their business. With the increased demand for Cloud computing, the supply of Cloud computing services has also increased exponentially.

Today while the market is flooding with Cloud computing providers, it’s important to choose the best suitable for your business.

In this article, we are going to discuss features of some of the Cloud computing providers, which can help you to choose the right one for your business.
Several points you should keep in your mind while selecting the Cloud service providers

  • Your desired region of operation is supported or not
  • Does service match your budget?
  • Cost involved in the training of the employees on the Cloud service platform
  • Customer support
  • Good record of provider in terms of stability/uptime/reliability
  • Review of the company

1. Google Cloud Platform


Google provides Cloud platforms consisting of a set of physical devices such as computers, hard disk drives, and virtual machines. It has made the migration process easy for the organizations

  • Google Cloud offers you various big data services such as Google BigQuery, Google CloudDataprocs, Google Cloud Datalab, and Google Cloud pub/sub.
  • It also offers various services like Virtual Private Cloud, Content delivery network, Google Cloud load balancing, Google Cloud interconnect and Google Cloud DNS
  • With GCP you can also get various server-less services such as messaging, Data Warehouse, Database, Compute Storage, Data processing, and machine learning.

2. AWS


AWS was the first to enter theCloud space. It offers variousfeatures which help you buildscalable, cost-effective enterprisesolutions. It offers you service in theform of building blocks that helpsyou to create and deploy any kindof application in the Cloud.

  • AWS helps you to scale up or downyour computing resourcesaccording to your enterprise’srequirements
  • It is cost-effective as it offers you apay-as-you-go pricing model
  • Large number of storage options
  • It provides you with various securityoptions such as infrastructuresecurity, data encryption,monitoring and logging, identity andaccess control, etc.
  • Centralized billing and management

3. MicrosoftAzure


AIt is also known as Windows Azurewhich was launched by Microsoft inFebruary 2010. IT professionals caneasily build, deploy and manage theapplications with the support ofvarious operating systems, database,programming language, andframeworks that MS Azure providesyou.

  • Its scalable, flexible, and cost-effective
  • It helps developers to quickly andeasily manage applications andwebsite
  • It helps to manage each resourceeasily and effectively
  • With the help of MS azure IaaSinfrastructure you can launch ageneral-purpose virtual machine ondifferent platforms such asWindows and Linux.
  • It also provides you a content deliverysystem for delivering the images,videos, and applications

4. VMware Cloud


This Cloud is a software-defineddata center unified platform for thehybrid Cloud. With the help of thisCloud service, one can build Cloudservices that are agile, flexible,efficient, and robust.

  • Its scalable, flexible, and cost-effective
  • High customer satisfaction as itpromises complete security ofcustomer’s data
  • It provides flexible storageapplications. They manageapplication storage on a per-application basis
  • It promises a dedicated high-performance network to managethe application traffic and supportsmulti-task networking.

5.Oracle Cloud


This Cloud platform is offered by OracleCorporation which combines the IaaS,PaaS, SaaS, and DaaS with Cloudinfrastructure. With this Cloud, it would beeasy for you to move applications to theCloud, manage the developmentenvironment in the Cloud, and optimizeconnection performance.

  • With the provision of various tools ofthe Oracle Cloud, one can easilybuild, integrate, monitor, and securethe application.
  • It also integrates various tools likeDocker, VMware, and DevOps tools
  • It improves your on-premise efficiencyby integrating the on-premiseplatforms with IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
  • It helps you to realize the importanceof modern technologies such as AI,chatbots, ML, and more
  • It also provides better visibility tounsanctioned apps and protectionagainst sophisticated cyberattacks
  • To securely support the privatenetworks, it also offers youcustomizable virtual Cloud networks,firewalls, and IP addresses

6.Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba offers you highly scalableCloud computing services. It offersvarious services such as elasticcomputing, storage networking,security, database services, ApplicationServices, media services, Cloudcommunication, and the Internet ofThings.

  • It provides Cloud computingservices for both internationalcustomers and Alibaba group’s e-commerce ecosystem
  • Along with scalability it’s also cost-effective as it offers pay-as-per-usemodal
  • It deals with 14 data centersglobally
  • You can also get scalable, flexible,and reliable data storage

7. Rackspace


Rackspace offers various Cloudcomputing services such as hostingweb applications, Cloud backup,Cloud block storage, database, andCloud servers. The aim behinddesigning the Rackspace is to easilymanage private and public Clouddeployments.

  • It offers you various tools with thehelp of which collaboration andcommunication can be doneeffectively
  • You can get easy and flexibleaccess to the files stored onRackspace
  • It offers six global data centers
  • It manages both physical and virtualservers on the same network
  • It provides the best performance atlower cost

8. Red Hat


Red hat Cloud providers are verypopular for the Linux environmentwhich can provide variousinfrastructure solutions for virtualizedand technical workstations. If you owna small to medium sized organizationthen Red Hat will be best suitable foryou to run your organization smoothly.

It provides you with higher density,better performance, agility, andsecurity to the resources. It alsoprovides you with less expensive andeasier management capabilities thathelps you to improve yourorganizations’ economy.

  • With Red hat, you will have secure,certified, and updated containerimages via Red Hat containercatalog
  • It also provides you an appdevelopment platform that allowsdevelopers to access ,modernizeand deploy the apps
  • It has the capacity to support 16virtual machines each of
    265 GB ofRAM

9. Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean

Founded by Moisey Uretsky and Benin 2011, the Digital Ocean is one of thebest Cloud providers that offercomputing services to organizations.These Cloud providers allow us todeploy and manage web applications.

  • Offers high-quality performance
  • It provides a digital communityplatform that helps to answer thequeries and provide feedback.
  • It provides the Cloud servers todevelopers for creating new virtualmachines for their project
  • t also provides one-click apps fordroplets, which includes MySQL,Docker, MongoDB, WordPress,Php My admin, etc.

10. IBM Cloud


Built with a suite of advanced data and AI tools, IBM Cloud is faster and more reliable. It provides services like IaaS,
Paas, and SaaS. You just need an internet connection to get access to computing power, Cloud data & analytics, Cloud use cases, and storage networking.

  • It improves your operational efficiency
  • It has a high number of satisfied customers due to its speed and agility.
  • It also offers Cloud communication services to IT environment.